Girl Scouts of Silver Sage have been selling Girl Scout Cookies for decades. For many customers this is a can’t miss sale that only lasts a short time — now through March 21 — and the one time a year they can get their hands on a box of Thin Mints or Samoas. Like so many other things this year, COVID 19 has made safely connecting customers with their favorite box of Girl Scout Cookies more challenging. Thankfully, that has not stopped customers from donating a box of cookies to the Idaho Foodbank through the Cookies from the Heart program.
For the sixth year in a row, Dairy West is partnering with Girl Scouts of Silver Sage to make that donation go one step further. For every box donated to the Cookies from the Heart program, dairy farmers from across Idaho will donate $1.00 as well, giving customers an opportunity to double the impact of their charitable contribution. A $5.00 purchase will provide a box of Girl Scout Cookies and help purchase milk by the Idaho Foodbank to help fight hunger in Idaho.
“Our Girl Scouts are just getting started and customers have already purchased more donated boxes than all of last year,” says Clint Kofoed with Girl Scouts of Silver Sage. “We are thankful for the generosity of our community and know the donated cookies and milk will help so many families during this difficult time. We are excited to see how many boxes will be donated!”
Girls will continue taking orders throughout the sale but from Feb. 26 through March 21 Girl Scout troops will be at local retailers, with COVID 19 safety guidelines in place. Customers can get all their favorites and make a donation — just look for the cookies-and-milk decorated cookie box.
In addition to traditional sales, Girl Scouts of Silver Sage is also participating in the Digital Cookie Program, which allows girls to sell online. These customers will also be able to take advantage of this double-donation opportunity. Whether the box is purchased online or in person, they can still donate to Cookies from the Heart.
All Girl Scout Cookie purchases, donated or not, go to support girls and the mission of Girl Scouts — to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. But a box of Cookies from the Heart puts that mission into practice.
Visit for more information and to find where you can purchase a box of Cookies from the Heart.